The no-featureaily Blog Point

The Top 5 360-degree Cameras of 2017

Reading Time: 6 minutes


A 360-degree camera is a device that can capture the world that surrounds it. If you’re thinking about buying a 360-degree camera, you should first think about what you’re going to use it for. Some models feature rugged, all-weather designs and also fit solidly in the action cam category.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Home by Essential Promises a Smarter Home

Reading Time: 5 minutes


Andy Rubin, the co-founder of Android, has turned his attention to the kitchen counter and the smart home. Alongside with the Essential Phone, Andy Rubin debuted the Essential Home last month. Essential Home is a countertop smart speaker that has a lot in common with the Amazon Echo and the Google Home.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Magpie: The Smartest GPS Tracker Around

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Magpie is the smartest GPS service out there. It keeps the people and things you love close, no matter the distance. The team at Magpie believes premium technology should be available to everyone. That’s why they have built a GPS tracker that’s not only smart and small, but also affordable.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Top 5 Smart Glasses of 2017

Reading Time: 7 minutes


It has been a long time since Google Glasses were released. It might also feel like its time is almost over. Now we have a number of tech startups and companies that are launching either totally new smart glasses or refined versions of old devices.