Google’s Fuchsia OS Confirmed To Support Android Apps

Google’s Fuchsia OS is Very Likely to Support Android Apps: Thanks to Android RunTime

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Recently, Google has been busy working on a new operating system called Fuschia. People have been long speculating that Fuschia, Google’s upcoming operating system will join the likes of Chrome OS in its support for Android apps. An update found in the Android Open Source Project has confirmed that. Now we can confirm that Fuschia will definitely be able to run Android apps using the Android Runtime.

Mobile App Predictions for 2019

Mobile App Predictions for 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Mobile apps are the reason smartphones are persisting. Mobile apps have become such an indispensable part of our lives that it rules almost every activity that we perform in our daily lives. Apps keep modifying every year. There are a variety of gadgets available in the market. There are almost 24 billion mobile devices working worldwide right now. This leads to the evolvement of artificial intelligence.


Top 5 Javascript Frameworks Trends to Look for in 2019

Reading Time: 5 minutes

People familiar with the digital world know that it consists of multiple layers and different pieces of technology are brought together in order to offer an immersive experience using a smart screen. Websites and web pages play an important role in driving the growth of your business.

expect from WordPress 5.0

WordPress 5.0: Updates and What to Expect

Reading Time: 6 minutes

New versions of WordPress brings new features along with it and exciting to see those features and put them to use. The WordPress 5.0 has come with the new block-based editor which is also known as Gutenberg.

Online Business Tools

Top 25 Online Business Tools Used by Entrepreneurs

Reading Time: 14 minutes

Marshall McLuhan once said, “We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us.” The quote is relevant to the present day digital marketers. If they want to rule the industry, they have to keep themselves updated with the latest tools. Today, the uncertainty in digital marketing is such that marketers can’t afford to ignore the technological advancement in the industry.


Take Advantage of Google Assistant’s New Tools

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The personal assistant from the search engine giant- Google Assistant can perform several functions for you like setting alarms, answering questions, playing music and much more. Google Assistant turned two years old in October 2018.