Top 5 Home Automation devices which will improve our lives

We are back with the top five of the week and this time we have a list of home automation devices that will change the way we used to approach our surroundings and it will be making smart changes to our homes and make our lives easier, and better of course. These devices could be anything from as simple as a lightbulb to a TV- remote and smart air conditioners etc. Let’s look at five of the best devices which we think will make it to our houses in the near future.
IGOO Smartlamp
There has been a huge revolution in tube lights from those boring long white tube lights to CFL bulbs and now this beautiful piece of light called the IGOO smart lamp. This is a smart lamp which automatically lights up when we enter the house and it also comes with various light adjustment categories so that the light changes according to your current mood or lifestyle. But then, if someone enters your room they might know about your mood and if you don’t want to share it with them then this smart lamp might mess it up for you, otherwise this is a great piece of innovation and it is pretty easy to use too. The controller of the lamp is intuitive, easy to manage. You can use it to make your dinner romantic with your date or a brighter shade if you are enjoying it with your family.
Recipe Tablet
Do you face a problem while you are preparing the dinner and browsing the recipe from your tablet or mobile or PC and in case if you mess up, then you end up making an altogether different dish. For problems such as these there is a Recipe Tablet in the market which makes perfect sense for cooking. It is built with text-to-speech technology, so that it will read aloud the recipe while you cook your meals and there are more than 2 million recipes and you can even add your own recipes. The tablet is Wi-Fi enabled and runs all android apps. The tablet is kitchen safe and spill proof so it is the best tablet you can possibly have.
NEEO Smart Remote
A remote control is one of the most essential devices in the house and it has a special place in our lives as without a remote control, we sometimes feel like we are handicapped and in the recent few years entertainment devices too have increased so the remote control is even more important now. NEEO plans to build a hub device which can send signals to the rest of the devices and this is not the first time something like this has been thought of. Logitech has a Harmony Home Hub which works on a similar principle. The smart remote works on Bluetooth 4.0, Bluetooth BLE, Wi-Fi, Zigbee and more. It is currently in Kickstarter and we hope this product will be quite useful.
Wi-Fi Smart Plug
With mobile devices and iPads always running out of juice, the plugs are always pre-occupied and even smart watches and all types of devices add to this woe, there was a need of a smart plug which is very easy to setup. You can turn your devices on and off with a mobile app which means you just need the app on your smartphone or your device. You can schedule turning the devices on/off/ You can set your devices to work as and when you want. This is so cool. Isn’t it?
Keep an eye on your energy usage and save a few bucks.
Belkin Wemo Switch
It is difficult to stand up and go to the other end of the room just to turn off that annoying beep from your device, which needs to be turned off. And there are so many devices nowadays. With Belkin’s Wemo Switch, we can remotely turn off devices and electronic devices on and off. You can monitor and control energy usage and costs from anywhere. You can easily set schedules and receive customised notifications on your smartphone.
With these Home automation devices, let us see how our lives change, for good. If there are some home automation devices you think could be added to this post, you can mention it in the comments section below and we will update the post.

Dhruvil is a Writer & Marketeer for Nimblechapps, joining December 2014, based out of Sydney, Australia. He has worked briefly as a Branding and Digital Marketing Manager before moving to Australia. At Nimblechapps, he worked on Social Media Marketing, Branding, Email Marketing and Blogging. Dhruvil studies Business at University of Western Sydney, and also handles Operations for the company in Australia.