Go2Sleep: A Dedicated Wearable Sleep Tracker with Lot Of Features
It is some time now that we became extremely used to all sorts of smart trackers that help us staying Fit and healthy by evaluating our day to day physical functions and natural habits. From heart rate monitoring to calorie calculators to sleep monitors, we have come a long way with these evolving range of health and fitness gadgets.
When it is about assessing the quality of your sleep, there are too many credible options that you can choose from. But with increasing number of people suffering I’m sleep disorders all of these devices are supposed to remain popular. A new startup called Sleepon still thinks that they have a new and unique offering to deliver in this segment and so they launched Go2Sleep smart ring. Undoubtedly it looks like a smart wearable with all that you need for evaluating your sleep condition and improve it over time.
It Is Small And Smart Wearable
Go2Sleep is designed with exceptional care to remain as a wearable that can be used in all situations by people. It is equipped to work both with the iOS and Android platform and designed to wear in your finger without any difficulty.
How It Works?
As soon as you wear it in your finger and go to bed the 3 different sensors including the blood oxygen and heart rate sensors starts recording vital signs and detailed information. It records pulse rate, heart rate and saturation level of oxygen in blood. Apart from these detailed information the tracker can even track the number of times you are tossing and turning your body on the bed.
Once the data during your sleep are recorded they are instantly synced with the respective app on your iPhone or Android smartphone. The app further will analyse the data with an AI powered algorithm and different metrics and accordingly furnish suggestions to make your sleep quality better over time. The suggestions may include various lifestyle habits including sleeping habits, diet and physical exercise and movement.
Are You Suffering From Sleep Apnea?
These days many people suffer from sleep apnea and they without delay should detect the condition and seek medical advice. Go2Sleep in this respect can also help them detecting the condition. With several leading wearable devices including Apple Watch and Fitbit introducing this feature for evaluating sleep apnea, Sleepon as a new entrant in this category gave it serious thought.
Go2Sleep unveils your condition of sleep apnea through the anslysis of the data recorded during sleeping state. Once the data through a sleep report suggests that you are suffering from sleep apnea the respective app will advice you to seek physician’s advice and treatment for the disorder.
It Is Rich With Features
It is far from a basic and elementary level sleep tracker. Go2Sleep offers an array of most important tracking features that you can only come across with advanced tracking devices and some medical equipments. It can provide haptic alerts for certain critical conditions like low level of oxygen in real-time. Go2Sleep also water resistant so that you do not need to worry if you forget to take it out from your finger during dish washing or taking shower.
Robust Battery life
It comes with unmatched battery life as well. The device can remain active for as long as 3 nights continuously with just a single charge besides being able to store sleep data for as long as a week.
Release Date And Price
The Go2Sleep has already come out of a very successful campaign at crowdfunding platform Indiegogo with several days still ahead of it to reach its target. It is expected to start shipping its products for pre-orders from May next year. As for the price tag, Go2Sleep doesn’t seem expensive at least for early buyers with just $99 to pay.
Final Verdict
For people suffering from poor sleep quality and other sleep related issues, such an all round sleep tracker is undoubtedly a worthy buy. But one must remember that the product is still in its prototype stage and will take some time to attain further perfection before it becomes read for the market. It already made its niche presence felt among several other trackers with comparable features and we believe in the end it can come out as a better product than its present state.
Bharat Mamtora is Online Marketer at Nimblechapps Mobile Game Development Company. We provide mobile game development services for iOS and Android Platform.