Twitter launches ‘VineKids’ : A standalone app for kids
It has been two years since adults are making funny, abusive, creative, innovative and all types of short videos for fun and people have loved it to the core that it made way to a new trend of creating smaller and smaller videos and this feature has been used extensively by the users, remember the movie “Chef”? There are reports that state that kids love those vines. But, sometimes parents face a situation that their kids are getting access to certain vines which they are not supposed to see and there is as such no filter for kids. This idea gave way to a new standalone app for kids called ‘VineKids’.
What is ‘Vine Kids’?
‘VineKids’ is a standalone app from Twitter’s video sharing service Vine aimed at creating an innocent world for kids, at the same time creating a filter to keep children away from censored content. Currently VineKids is available only for iPhone users and it will offer selected vines from the original six second videos.
Idea behind ‘VineKids’
Vine’s Carolyn Penner mentioned in a blog that “We’ve seen for ourselves – and heard from parents, siblings and others – that kids love Vine,” and it was taken into consideration and developed by two of the staff members at Vine during Vines’ “Hack Week”. It is the kind of an activity when employees usually work on innovative projects other than their regular work and it is this kind of activities at major companies which gives us apps like ‘VineKids’. Even companies like Google and Facebook allow their employees to work on their dream projects in a particular time and they can get the help from the company on their project.
What is good about VineKids?
The idea about ‘VineKids’ was thought about in January itself and how fast they came up with the app is the most commendable thing in itself. As the app is designed just for kids, the fonts and graphics have been designed keeping kids in mind and they have used clips of cats and dogs, singing eggs, animated figures, Emlo from Sesame Street and many more.
The app is launched just at the time when Twtter launched the Vine app in January 2013, after buying the app developer and the startup called Vine. After Vine completed a year and half in August 2014, the company gave reports that their short videos are watched by more than 100 million people per month by both the app and the web platforms. And the video views were a whopping 347.2 billion in the last nine months.
So, it can be said that with this kind of success and growth, Vine has got the new app ‘VineKids’ out at just the right time, just the kids needs to get their reviews and it would be a bigger test for the company to pass the acid test of kids.

Rajiv Patil is the founder & Managing Director of Nimblechapps, an innovative iPhone app development company. He takes a keen interest in topics related to mobile app development and mobile game development and often like to share his knowledge through informative posts on leading blogging sites.