Hater – A Dating App that Helps you find a Date Based on your Dislikes
Many times, it happens that we easily bond with someone based on our dislikes rather than our likes. If you’ve ever bonded with someone over your shared dislikes, you’re not alone. Also, this could help you find lasting love. A dating app for iOS that matches you with other users based on things you both hate. The app is only about a month old, but it’s amassed about 200,000 users in the US and abroad. It’s also the no. 1 lifestyle app in Germany right now. The company says it has plans to take on Tinder.
Talk Negative
Matchmakers and Dating coaches advise singles to talk about things they love, instead of venting about things they hate, on their dating profiles and on first dates. And singles themselves often talk about how, once they stopped going negative, they found that match that was avoiding them. All this talk sounds sweet but boring.
Creative Ice-breaker
The app still utilizes the same swiping function familiar to Tinder, but instead of swiping on people, users swipe on topics. As the user base grows, so does the list of issues. Hater creates a collection of your most compatible potential matches based on your mutual dislikes. You can then browse through these matches at your leisure. Another interesting feature of Hater is that it attempts to do the difficult task of initial messaging for you. This dating iOS app offers a creative ice-breaker for you, in the form of Mad Libs-style sentences that you can fill in with your own silly responses.
Negative Attitudes Promote Closeness
There’s some social science evidence to brace the idea that mutual negative attitudes or possibilities can do more to bond people than mutual positive ones. A study found that when attitudes about others are shared, negative attitudes promote closeness more effectively than positive attitudes do. The study found that participants bonded more strongly over shared negative attitudes about a third person rather than when they did about mutual positive attitudes for things such as life talks and hobbies.
Hater will Arrange your Likes & Dislikes
Instead of encouraging the user to fill an empty ‘Description’ section with enough wit to get a stranger to swipe right, Hater asks users to swipe on topics ranging from the irrelevant to the intense. You can swipe up to indicate that you love something; down to signal hatred for that thing; to the right to like something; and to the left to dislike that thing. No original creativity is required. After just 10 minutes of swiping, your profile will be full of LIKES, LOVES, DISLIKES and HATES. All this information will then be used to match you with other Haters. Hater then gives you your top matches so you can swipe left or right on and then message.
Top Three Topics
Hater launched last week, and the top three topics are 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump and bullies; followed by hangovers, the rent being too damn high and bad sidewalk etiquette. It’s hardly been a week and Hater already has over 120,000 users around the world.
When you’re not organizing your own profile with what you love and hate, you can swipe through other members on the app. This would be in a similar way you would do with apps like Tinder and Bumble, to make some match magic happen.
Wrap up
The app’s initial success actually makes a lot of sense when you consider that research has shown that people tend to bond over shared negative opinions, often more so than they do the things they both like. There are currently 2,000 topics to swipe on, and that the app has plans to keep adding more user-created ones.

Dhruvil is a Writer & Marketeer for Nimblechapps, joined in December 2014, based out of Sydney, Australia. He has worked briefly as a Branding and Digital Marketing Manager before moving to Australia. At Nimblechapps, he worked on Social Media Marketing, Branding, Email Marketing and Blogging. Dhruvil studies Business at University of Western Sydney, and also handles Operations for the company in Australia.