Google Museum App: A Funny and Artistic Way to Look at Your Selfies
How many times have you wondered looking at a portrait art piece whether it looks like someone you know? You might have already spotted a few artworks where your closest alter-ego might have a presence. Well, this is an experience common to many of us. We always like to see our own faces in artworks, movie shots, photographs and in all types of visuals we come across. There is nothing shameful about this narcissistic quality as it is common to almost every human. In fact, the popularity of selfie also has a lot to do with this self-searching instinct of human beings.
Finally, Google understand this and came up with a new app that finds the artwork that looks similar to your portrait and presents it to you side by side within a single frame. It is awesome, isn’t it? Already grabbing attention from all corners, this new Google Museum App is expected to deliver a never before portrait experience for selfie lovers all over the globe.
What is Google Museum App?
Google Museum app is the brainchild of Google Arts & Culture, company’s dedicated wing to bring the artistic and cultural elements right into the technology space. The latest update released by Google Arts & Culture will allow you capture a selfie and then through image recognition will help to find someone from the collection of artworks that perfectly resembles your appearance in the selfie. After finding the resembling artwork, it will be presented side-by-side within the same frame.
While providing such a match,c it will also show you the percentage of the respective match as well. After the result is provided with your own portrait side by side the artwork you can share the same on the social media as well. As of now, the app has been geo-restricted in the United States, though in most other parts of the world it is available without any constraints. The app is basically a part of the Google Art and Culture app which is available for free on both iOS and Android platform.
A fun experience for the onlookers as well
If you think that the fun involved in finding your match from the artworks applies to you only, you have missed the point. A few months ago we came across a blog with some photographs showcasing Museum arts confronted by viewers sharing an identical look, style or demeanour.
The present app from Google seems to have taken inspiration from this post which went viral. In fact, looking at each of these photographs showing artworks with their identical or near-similar twins was a matter of sheer pleasure. In the same way, Google Museum app can really amuse the onlookers and viewers apart from the person who has been represented.
The search of resemblance isn’t without faults
The Google Museum app ever since it appeared with examples of making visual matches between photographs and artwork characters, has aroused a lot of questions about finding such similarities as well. Truly, finding such similarities has its own fault lines as well. There are people who openly said that the similar artwork cited by a Google for their portrait is far from perfect and identical.
There are many people who literally felt baffled by the result, and some of them even took such similarity as an insult to their physical look and demeanour. So, from the first burst of outcomes and reactions, it seems the new Google Museum app will continue invoking a lot of controversies in the public arena as well.
Balancing the act, a long way to go
The idea behind the new matchmaking Google Museum app is not bad but rather a revolutionary one. It offered a simple solution to add a little act of flattery to our own portraits and photographs and share them in the social media. If you do not like it, you can just skip it sharing further or can even delete it. So, even if the match seems a little weird and out of place at times, you can actually take the fun of it without really being offended by it.
Finally, we must say that the app is based on a really unique idea of bringing artworks close to our everyday life and reality. It also boasts of a unique way to bring fun to our self-gratification through selfies.

Dhruvil is a Writer & Marketeer for Nimblechapps, joined in December 2014, based out of Sydney, Australia. He has worked briefly as a Branding and Digital Marketing Manager before moving to Australia. At Nimblechapps, he worked on Social Media Marketing, Branding, Email Marketing and Blogging. Dhruvil studies Business at University of Western Sydney, and also handles Operations for the company in Australia.