Datally: A Unique Mobile Data Saving & WiFi App from Google
Concern over the data usage is common among prepaid data users. You have no control over the apps that are consuming most of your data and you cannot put a cap on the data usage for individual apps. This makes often prepaid users vulnerable to premature data exhaustion. Didn’t you wish for an app solution for this? Well, Google has just unleashed a new app called Datally that can address all these concerns comprehensively.
What Is Datally?
Datally is new Android app launched by Google that can help you easily control and monitor your data usage for every single app. With Datally you can easily see the data usage for every individual app in real time through a bubble icon. In case you find the app to be consuming the heavy volume of data you can block the data access to the respective app.
The daily usage of the data is also depicted in graphical format with statistics. In case the data saver function gets switched off it sends you notifications as well. Additionally, the app can also find out nearby WiFi hotspot connection available for you to connect.
How Serious Is This Value Addition?
Yes, you can argue over the fact that many such features are already available across Android devices but Google by unleashing this app under the trademark Datally actually decided to bring together all these data saving features in one place so that you can access these features easily for data usage control and monitoring. As reported by Reuters, Next Billion Users, a Google offshoot is behind the making of the Datally. The app is launched with the view of adding more value to the internet user experience. In markets where users need to buy prepaid data credits for using the web, this comprehensive data control and monitoring app will provide real value.
If you think that Datally is only meant for prepaid data users with access to the limited volume of data, you are wrong. The app which is now available for download on Google Play Store can also be effectively used by unlimited data users who often experience slower speed because of too many apps consuming data at the same time. According to Google, one can save up to 30 percent less data with the app.
Data Is No Longer Expensive
Most of us remain in complete darkness about the data usage while using internet for multiple apps and for browsing the web. This smart app from Google can help you control your data usage precisely and accurately. With Datally your data usage no longer has to be unnecessarily expensive. With the same data plan, you can now get more internet usage thanks to Datally.
Taking Control Of Your Data Usage
With Datally you can have total control of your data usage. While the Data Saver feature allows you saving at least 30% of your mobile data by taking control of the usage on an app by app basis, you can do this with a small bubble-like interface showing real-time data usage of each app.
Datally after being activated in your device also sets up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service locally to prevent all kinds of unsolicited mobile data usage. This will prevent redirecting traffic through the servers of Google and thus prevents unwanted data usage that happens in the background while you browse the web.
Understanding Your Data Usage
With Datally, it has become extremely easy to see which apps are consuming most of your data. The app offers detailed data usage data including historical data, data usage trends over time and usage per app. According to the data usage of apps for every individual user, the app also sends personalized recommendations and reminders about turning on your data saver.
Find WiFi Hotspots Nearby
Datally also helps you saving more data by showing you nearby WiFi hotspots for data access. The app comes with an inbuilt WiFi finder which just helps to discover nearby WiFi networks along with the details.
Features Going To Include In Future
Some of the Datally features are said to be upcoming in the coming time like a dedicated feature to check data balance and reminder for expiration. With this data, monitoring is supposed to be more personalized and user specific.
Datally is truly a never before data usage control and monitoring app that is almost like a godsend for millions of prepaid data users who always remain concerned about their data usage while using apps or browsing the web.

Rajiv Patil is the founder & Managing Director of Nimblechapps, an innovative iPhone app development company. He takes a keen interest in topics related to mobile app development and mobile game development and often like to share his knowledge through informative posts on leading blogging sites.