The no-featureaily Blog Point

The Top 5 Tablets Of 2017 For Kids

Reading Time: 5 minutes


These days everybody is connected to the internet through some way or the other. Even the kids these days have a tablet and a smartphone and they’re very well versed with using those, more than you adults. It’s not just the adults who are addicted to their smart devices, their kids are equally addicted to it, if not more.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Smarcircle S1: The Most Compact, Lightweight And Foldable Ebike

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Smarcircle S1-

Smacircle S1 is said to be the most lightweight foldable eBike you have seen. It comes with the ability to lock using a smartphone. With Smacircle S1, you can experience a commute you can actually enjoy. With the help of Smacircle S1, you can easily avoid crowded public transport, parking costs and glide past traffic with high speeds of 12.4mph. You can fold it up in five simple steps and carry it in your backpack.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Fingbox: World’s #1 Network Scanner

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Fingshot is a device used to secure your home network and troubleshoot problems encountered by it. Fingbox is packed with the tools you need to keep your home network safe and your Wi-Fi working. Fingbox is the plug & play device that helps you secure and troubleshoot your home network from anywhere.Fingshot is controlled entirely from within the Fing app. It is the world’s #1 network scanner for iOS and Android.