The no-featureaily Blog Point

Protect Your Home With The New Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock
Who needs old-fashioned keys when we have the Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock. With the Yale Keyless Connected Smart Lock, you get a choice of PIN, key fob, card or smartphone entry, so you never have to worry about getting locked out again. In case your PIN is leaked or your physical entry methods are stolen, you can quickly bar access without having to replace any locks.

The no-featureaily Blog Point

Owlet Smart Sock 2: Health Monitoring Accessory For Your Baby

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Owlet Smart Sock

There is nothing more tragic than Sudden Infant Death (SIDS) and while no one knows what causes it exactly there are lots of ways to lower the likelihood it’ll happen to your baby. One of the most prominent ways is by using baby monitors. These monitors have been around for a long time. They started off with signalling from different rooms in the house using a remote monitor. New parents are nothing but worry machines.