7 Web Design Trends That Will Make It Big in 2021 and Beyond

Every year, the web design trends assures us to take us into the future as they are a key component in technology. However, the 2021 predictions received from the community of web designers suggest otherwise. In 2021, web designers are looking for more real designs rather than going the hi-tech way. They are trying to amalgamate the digital and non-digital world and it shows how crucial websites have become in our day-to-day lives. Similarly, these 7 web design trends of 2021 are giving a new lease to the digital realm which you shouldn’t miss out.
Parallax Animation
In 2021, web animations are going to take an even further leap with a complex separation of page elements into background and foreground extremes which creates a parallax effect. Parallax is an optical illusion which occurs when objects near the user seem to move faster than objects that are farther away. This is something that we witness in our daily lives when driving a car for example, but its effect on web pages looks quite real. The layer added due to the use of background and foreground also has an added advantage. We will definitely see a lot more of parallax animation in the years to come and 2021 may just be the beginning of this joy ride.
Warm Colors
Due to the digital nature of work and studies these days, most people spend a huge chunk of their time on their computers. Hence, it is quite natural for them to experience eye pain due to long hours of staring at screens. Web designers have to take this into consideration when finalizing their colors schemes that are focused to be easy on the eyes. This explains the dark mode trend becoming popular in the last year and a half such that most applications have started supporting the dark theme.
We are thrilled to let you know that in 2021, web designers will be going beyond the dark and light theme. They are working hard to find a middle ground and use warm color palettes like pastel colors which relax and calms the mind. Due to this trend, web designers will be able to provide a safer digital world to the end users instead of dramatic innovation.
This new trend has been gaining popularity since last year and is promising to create web designs full of realism. It is a design approach that includes familiar yet worn out design materials into trending designs. This particular trend was seen in flat design which showed simplified icons and colors that were less realistic but quite uniform in nature. Neumorphism is an amalgamation of both these trends with designs that copy the physicality along with semi-flat colors. More often than not, it resembles digital embossing or debossing. This enables web designers to reclaim the tactile experience that was lost in the flat design trends in the last decade or so along with elevating user experience.
Supporting a Cause
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic in the last couple of years, the internet has become a place to find and support people who are struggling with money, food or even physical and mental health support. Virtual conferences have replaced face-to-face conferences and meeting and entertainment has now largely shifted to people’s home instead of a theatre or a multiplex. This year, we see a lot of designers continue to help and support the world in these testing times. It means that more brands are now focusing on their virtues like sustainability or community engagement. More and more digital spaces are working to spread awareness while making it interactive for the users by the help of visualizations and simulations. Web design has always focused on user experience and in this year, it will come from social causes and people’s shared values.
Going Digital
Products have always been the heart and soul of websites and in 2021, web pages are no different. This year, products are motivating design elements through creative and digital interpretations of physical media. This might look like a color smeared across a page like make up or images that are cropped in shapes of mobiles and laptops etc. This approach allows a visual energy between the products and the website and makes the website look more organic than ever. We are not sure if this is a passing trend or this will hold on in the future.
Scrolling Changes
When the users scroll a web page, they are actually interacting with the website and not just simply navigating. The physical actions performed in the real world like flicking the fingers over a mouse can cause a response on the digital screen. Interaction is actually a form of engagement and when that happens, they are more likely to be engaged or interested. Scrolling is one of the simplest forms of communication and this year, web designers are increasingly challenging the visual feedback. Now, web designers are taking the time and efforts to make each scroll like a separate web page or even a new website.
Engaging Questionnaires
The onboarding process is one of the most crucial parts of a user’s journey on your website and it will determine the future of the user’s interaction with your business. They are hanging on a double edged sword and the quality of your web design will push them in your direction. Instead of having user based product descriptions and making decisions of their own, businesses are using questionnaires to create an interactive experience. These questionnaires can be in the form of multiple choice questions that can be included keeping in mind the likes and dislikes of the target audience. There are quizzes which help you know the user better and it can also make them feel a part of your website before even buying anything from you.
Final Word
In the end, the best 2021 web design trends look less like the design out of a hypothetical future and more like actual design which we can encounter in day to day life. It simply shows how common websites are as a part of our life and the designers are now bringing it to reality. We hope you got some vital information on web design trends in 2021 and can successfully implement them in your website. Let us know if you think we missed out a successful trend.

Dhruvil is a Writer & Marketeer for Nimblechapps, joining December 2014, based out of Sydney, Australia. He has worked briefly as a Branding and Digital Marketing Manager before moving to Australia. At Nimblechapps, he worked on Social Media Marketing, Branding, Email Marketing and Blogging. Dhruvil studies Business at University of Western Sydney, and also handles Operations for the company in Australia.