6 Effective Hacks For Website Copywriting in 2021
A high bounce rate means that visitors come to your website and leave shortly after viewing a single page. This can be a major issue as you lose good opportunities to convert these visitors into paying customers. Then how do you ensure that your bounce rate is low and that your visitors are engaged? You are at the right place because effective copywriting has all the answers that you are looking for. These days, people don’t have enough time to wait to find the answers that they are looking for. If they do not find what they are looking for, visitors will look for an alternative where they can find that information. Here are some effective ways to enhance your website copy and increase your conversion rate.
Single Web Content Strategy
Most successful companies look to develop the right content strategy for their target audience. A randomly written content gives the idea that you are not prepared and haven’t done the appropriate research to engage the people you are trying to reach. A single web content strategy allows you to reduce this and make the most of your website. You will definitely need a good content strategy with optimum understanding of your target audience.
Try to ask the right questions and provide solutions too. Who is your audience? What are they looking for? What are their pain points and what do they value? By researching and finding the answers to these questions can help you improve your content strategy.
Eradicate Buyer Concerns
Encouraging your audience to explore more avenues of your business means you try to reduce their concerns. The best way to do this is to think what their considerations might be. Whether it is about a particular product or service or a specific question about any product, try to ensure that their concerns are addressed. These types of preemptive measures add value by displaying that you are sincere and want to offer them solutions that they are looking for.
Take Interest In Your Prospects
As we discussed about sincerity, copywriting is not just about using the right keywords at the right place to sell something but also caring about them that they can’t help but buy from you. To do this, it is quite simple that you do some research about your target audience and be open to what they have to say. It is possible to do this by generating a genuine interest in your prospects. When you are sincere in your interest, engagement and persuasion comes naturally. Once you get to know them better, you will definitely be able to catch their attention.
If you want to take this one step further, you could even interview them and visit online forums or discussion groups. This will offer you the much needed insider information on what is going on in their mind.
Talk Their Language
The impulse to buy something is generally based on desire. A great copy would be able to channel this desire of the target audience. This shows that you understand your target audience and that your business or product is a part of the solution that they are looking for.
To make this happen, you will have to start talking in their language as these words will get through to them. You can also try to address the advantages your business can offer and is something that they really want. Try to talk in their language by participating in forums and places on the web where your target audience engages. Note these words and use the same phrases in your website copy too. Before you start writing your copy, try to understand what your target audience would want to know and find out the most important reasons they would want to know about your business.
Make Good Use of Facts
It is very easy to write a long list of everything that is positive about your product or service. By making such kind of declarations without understanding deeply is a way where the visitors can doubt you. Why so? This is because people do not appreciate non-specific answers that do not offer them a good idea of what a business or product is about and what it can do for them. Hence, it is the reason why being specific in your web copy is extremely important. The best way to avoid this is to keep using facts and figures to support your claim.
Include Emotional Triggers
Great website copy always includes the best emotional triggers. There are more than 15 emotional triggers that can be used effectively in your copy. Without using the appropriate emotional triggers, your web copy can come across as plain and boring. You do not want that to happen as it will directly affect the bounce rate. The copy that doesn’t make your target audience feel anything is purely factual or doesn’t include complete information to engage your audience. To negate that, it is best to understand the desires of your target audience and use appropriate emotions in your copy.
Final Word
As we have seen in the above points, the main idea is to reduce your bounce rate to an acceptable level depending on the industry standards. Please bear in mind that even if the copy is well-written, you will definitely have some website visitors who are not interested in what your website is offering and that is not a problem. Moreover, a web copy is just a piece of the above puzzle. There are various contributing factors that could be impacting your bounce rate as well. We hope these tips will help you to improve your website copy and reduce your bounce rate effectively, allowing you to maximize your conversion rate and sales. Do let us know in the comments below if you think we missed out any important information.
Dhruvil is a Writer & Marketeer for Nimblechapps, joining December 2014, based out of Sydney, Australia. He has worked briefly as a Branding and Digital Marketing Manager before moving to Australia. At Nimblechapps, he worked on Social Media Marketing, Branding, Email Marketing and Blogging. Dhruvil studies Business at University of Western Sydney, and also handles Operations for the company in Australia.